This will be the best Financial decision
you have ever made!

Welcome to finding out more about the Truth of financial strategies you think you know or understood!

Take the challenge, no cost to look! Request and Complete our DNA Worksheet. NO SOC SEC #

Welcome to our Team informational and educational program. In just the first 3 team hours, you will be excited to find out what you thought was the best way to wealth.

Our DNA Academy course is one of a kind. Designed to provide the inside scoop of Financial Myths that affect everyone, during their lifetime. 

We use a licensed software program with our 90-day course. Once a week for up to one hour is all you need to find out how to build wealth faster while increasing your cash flow every month. Try it, the analysis is Free.

two person standing on gray tile paving

Debt Network Academy

Welcome to our highly experienced DNA Team Associates. Each Professional has been working together for the past 10 years or so. From Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Financial and Financing experience and the developers of the lowest cost Health Sharing program available today. Check out each members expertise and let us know if you would like a free Q & A half hour online. No obligation just a Free update of comparing your plan with the most advanced plans, that are not mass marketed. A personalized comparison you have not seen before. Take the challenge! 

Janice Capodi

Janice is the Managing General Agent for the DNA Financial Team. Her patience and experience with the Health and Life Insurance field, has proven to be a valuable  Member of the Team. A specialist in educating and comparing Health Sharing Benefits, you can Email Janice at
[email protected]

Sam Piccione, Jr.

The Debt Network Academy founder has over 48 years within the Financial World of Securities, Life Insurance, Real Estate and Mortgages. Developer of the 90-day DNA Course,  his passion to keep consumers and agents informed and well updated every week is quality beyond professionals. You can reach Sam at [email protected]

Ed Brown 

Ed is an experienced Senior Branch Manager located on Hilton Head and servicing North and South Carolina residents. Exploring all options to help individuals, families and business owners structure the best type of Mortgage is a benefit working with Ed. Referrals from DNA get a FREE qualifying report, no credit check. You can reach out to Ed at: [email protected] 

Jeff Kanter

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Course Testimonial

Sam is not selling Stocks, Bonds or Insurance. Because of his background, he is a guide that understands how money flows, how insurance is not always what we think it is. Sam cares about his clients and their future. I highly recommend a consultation. Since working with Sam, I have little to no debt. I have learned about the cost of money which has enabled me to make better decisions. I have more money in my savings and investment accounts that I’ve had at any other time in my life
Thank you for all your help.
EV - New York

Course Testimonial

I remember when I first took your course and you said to me "what if your money could talk, would you listen"? Well I'm listening now!
We have saved more money than ever before, bought a new home and lowered our debt costs and are using the Cash Flow software every week now for four years. Plus, we now have an investment property paying for itself and building more equity, faster than we ever imagined.  Thank you for all your time and service,
Chuck  & Renee, South Carolina


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About us

Our Team is comprised of experienced career Professionals for over 47 years. From Financial Industries of Life Insurance, Securities, Mortgages and even Real Estate in South Carolina. Our founder has over his 47 years compiled real life situations in all of his fields of experience. Collectively, has now created an online course for consumers to get the Facts with his proprietary Cash Flow software, providing a free analysis with a simple DNA Worksheet. NO SOCIAL SECURITY numbers needed for the free Cash Flow Analysis. Email request for the DNA WORKSHEET and Free consultation.

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